Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day one ~

So I am starting this Christmas 365 blog ..... I should say attempting to start it. I know this is suppose to be sooo easy but I have to tell you I am struggling with it like crazy.... WHY can't I add a cute image here and change the color of the font along with the font faster than I can snap??? Well anyway , I apologize if it looks crazy but I soon hope to get some blogging layout 101 from a dear friend who actually encouraged me to do this :) xoxo Melissa B
Now that I am finished ranting about my inadequacies I can get to business! Christmas 365 is truly something I do in my own life.... think , dream, sleep, craft, miss, anticipate, Christmas 365 days a year :) It's true. Christmas is my most favorite holiday EVER !! The meaning is true to my heart and Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, and then top it off with glitter, bling, lights and all the beautiful colors, I mean come on !!!! :)
Just for a little background info on this addiction I have so having this blog may make sense to you as you follow along ;) I have been known to have over 15 trees up for the holiday season. I'll post pictures for proof soon. Anyway, I have so many because I LOVE IT but more so because I can't decide on just one color choice or theme as sometimes it goes. I have dabbled in the thought of year round holiday tree and trust me, I have sketchinsg of each months tree but I seem to be the only one on board for such an idea- (for now) I am working on it....daily ;)
My year goes something like this: I start with putting the trees up October 1st....Calm down and keep reading so you will understand why . I make alot of my ornaments for the trees, so I am making year round or at least planning. Then I have everything done by December 1st. All decor is up, all presents bought and wrapped , all cards mailed off and I enjoy the entire month of December with all the parties and get togethers and FOOD ! Starting in January I am already thinking about Christmas again :) I usually know what colors I will go with and spend the next 9 months prepping. So lets journey through this craziness together....Welcome to my world 365 ! @


  1. How cute is this layout and the Christmasy font??!?!?! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! YAY for my Christmas-in-her-heart-all-the-year-through friend!!!

  2. This is the PERFECT blog for you! I am soooo impressed with your beginning!
