Sunday, October 28, 2012

Talk about change of the season

Wow it has been awhile since I "blogged" and I like to say it is because I have been crafting so much I haven't had time but that is not the case. I have however been able to get several other things done just in time for CHRISTMAS :) I am a complex chic needless to say and with that complexity is much anxiety LOL I dream of the Norman Rockwell scenario and well it just isn't how things go around here but I always have this attempt to make a tradition and moving here hasn't changed that. I started certain things in the old house that I can't bring to this one by all means, so I feel pressure to start this one with new stuff. I have struggled like crazy to figure out what and where and who and how..... I went from having 15 trees up and decorated to only 4, which I will be changing....YES change! I decorated Bertha and Betty to what I thought was going to be the way it will always be and after much much MUCH anxiety this is what has come to be now...... Bertha will be moved, and that means I have to undecorate her move her and redecorate....BABAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHA, Betty will be no more, Roxie will stay up this year but only as a guest, she will not be returning and as for all the others, they are searching for new homes. I KNOW , it took many sleepless hours, a few tears and just some rationality (which is not always easy for me) to make some changes and get settled, but I have to admit I feel peace coming soon and isn't that one of the best parts of CHRISTMAS.... Peace on Earth? @

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sneak peek

I have been working on Bertha for a few days now... I am loving her so much, this is the first time she has been dressed up, last year all her branches had was snow and snow flakes BUT this year she is earning her name :) I think she will fit in nicely and she will be my new tradition at this house. I don't have things that other families do so I am having to , ONCE AGAIN, try to make a new. That is a whole blog in itself..... Anyhow...I posted on my FB a little guessing game as to how many ornaments Bertha will have.... I gave size and height and well my craziness should be enough to get a good guess going but then I thought I might post just a glipse sneak peek here on the blog ;) Are you ready? Set,
TA DAAAAAA !!!!!!@

Friday, October 5, 2012

It's beginning to feel alot like Christmas

Started the day off with capri pants and a short sleeve short. I am now sitting here in fleece pants and a sweatshirt ! The CRISP weather and the smell of holiday scentsy through out the house and of course seeing how Bertha is almost complete and I have now started on Betty :) It is all coming together nicely and the chill is like an extra spoon of sprinkles on a big moist cupcake ! I am only 5 days into my two month process and I feel like I am already behind LOL 
I think tonight I will sit and sparkle in the glow of the Christmas lights with a soft blanket, my boys, the breeze from the windows and some pizza. Need to refuel the creative juices for additional ornaments. :) @

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

twinkle twinkle

Boy was today a day! Started off CRAZY and for me I know that is daily but today was hot mess crazy. Ava started off on the wrong foot with me, she dug under the shed aka Christmas closet and got her a RAT not a mouse a RAT! UGH


Then I lost my mind because I was trying to get ahold of hubbs to discuss this issue with HIS dog and could not reach him at all, I freaked out like a 42 week pregnant women !! Long story short he called and he was fine and of course settled me down.... by this time the drama mill was in full swing and I felt like just getting back in bed BUT a hot hot shower and some deep breathing exercises LOL I got back on my glitter horse and started lighting the trees.

this is the first round of the lighting phase.... the trees now need to be fluffed and possible addition of lights. This is also the daytime phase as well, the trees must pass a night time lighting test before we fully get into swing :) I have to be honest once I see the lights on a night it is one of the hardest things for me to not turn them on every night! Something about the glow of Christmas lights - heavenly !!!! @ 

Monday, October 1, 2012

O holy night!

Oct. 1 = trees to be placed..... DID NOT go well. I seriously picked this floor plan with Bertha in mind. Where she would perfectly be placed, thinking there would be SO much more room for trees here. Boy that did not work out. Bertha needs to lose about two FEET ! The walls with the curves that I just LOVED when looking are suddenly curving the wrong way LOL  I get Betty up and she seems to be about three strands dead and with all the hoop la I ended up adding Roxie who wasn't even suppose to be out this year which can only mean one thing...NEED MORE ORNAMENTS !!! :) Needless to say I am unsettled but this is exactly one of the reasons why I stress now so when the time is here that I should be stress free , hopefully I will be ! :D However Nick and I handled the day very well and will get it all in order. I think tomorrow I should turn on Pandora Christmas, a good dose a Feliz Navidad always makes things better. @

Nick is such a big help !

this is a problem !

Finally got her to fit !


Nick loves Roxie